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Discussion groups, round table discussions, also have a great part to play in our work, and are indeed part of a Works of Mercy program. "There can be no revolution without a theory of revolution," Lenin said, and to understand the personalist revolution we need to work for clarification of thought. Conflict of ideas, endless discussions, which seem to lead nowhere,--truly lead to development of a program and an understanding of the part each can play in the Catholic revolution in which we are taking part. We learn to take from each other what we can get in the way of cooperation, we learn the art of human contacts, we learn to "be what we want the other fellow to be," as Peter Maurin puts it.


To build up a community within the shell of the old; offering up supplication, direct action & fraternal service for all conducting the Corporeal & Spriritual works of Mercy. As in the simplicity of the early Benedictine communities, and the life of work and worship (Ora et Labora). Civil Disobedience actions; "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again."


 "We sinners shall convert the faithful; Not by preaching the gospel but by living the gospel."  "We emphasize voluntary, private, and personal action to improve the social order." "The Lord Jesus inaugurated his Church by preaching the Good News, that is, the coming of the Reign of God, promised over the ages in the scriptures."

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